
This is 3/16” chain that is 4/O AWG and Grade 30. The overall length is 3 1/4′, the chain is 19” long, and the soft grip is 17″ long – with a thick solid cylinder of plastisol to make it easier to grip and help prevent pinched fingers. It comes in different colors to accent your swing set. The links are 1” long and the opening is ½” wide. You need to use the H140 – H145 5/16″ S-hook with this chain.  Shackles do not work with this chain.  Chain that is not bought from a playground manufacturer do not have the quality control and have been known to have weak links and can contain air bubbles as it has not been tested and doesn’t have a warranty.  This product should last 2 years in harsh conditions and up to 5 years in optimal conditions. Some conditions may require replacement sooner.  Sold individually.

Colors:           Blue, Green, Red and Yellow